Lecture XXVI by Dr Ayumu Konasukawa on Harappan seals having a right-facing animal motif: its significance for understanding the chronology or regional variations of the Harappan seals at 4.00 PM IST on 25.2.2023 (Saturday).

The Archaeological Sciences Centre at IITGN is hosting the 29th lecture in the Webinar series on 'Recent Advances in South Asia's History and Archaeology' online tomorrow. The lecture will be delivered by Dr Ayumu Konasukawa. He is an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University. Please find the details of the talk given below:

Title of the lecture: Harappan seals having a right-facing animal motif: its significance for understanding the chronology or regional variations of the Harappan seals.

Date and time: 4.00 PM IST on 25.2.2023 (Saturday)

Zoom link: https://iitgn-ac-in.zoom.us/j/97882152498?pwd=WDdKb3owbzZmdW9EUkcvV2xrNHNPQT09
Passcode: 927243